Monday, March 09, 2015

Shoes! :) (Yes, Shira's being silly)

Yesterday was the first time in about a month and a half that I've left our apartment building in shoes instead of boots.  The temperature rose to an astounding 48 degrees Fahrenheit, and is expected to reach 50-something on Wednesday.  It's a miracle!  :)

That said, I'm a cockeyed pessimist, and am convinced that we'll have snow during Pesach/Passover.  I hope sled dogs like matzah.  Mush!  :)

Location, location . . .
The area in which our office is now located gets much more traffic than our old neighborhood, and I don't mean just vehicular traffic--after clocking out on my first day there, I was startled by the number of pedestrians zipping past me.  I felt like a pin in a bowling alley.  :)  I've since become an expert at merging into oncoming traffic.


Reducing my gas consumption, so to speak
Looks like the Punster is going to be eating most of the romaine around here, after all--raw veggies and I don't seem to be entirely compatible.  I'll be eating steamed carrots as my second vegetable, instead, and pouring olive and/or coconut oil and sunflower seeds on one veggie or the other, or on my "starch."  That should keep both my skin and my cranky metabolism happy.

In better news . . .

This old dog learns a new trick
My Nook having long since bitten the dust, I finally decided to try ordering an e-book and seeing whether I could read it on my smartphone.  Success!  My next experiment will be to try to figure out how to "borrow" library books on my phone.  Wish me luck.

*DIY = do it yourself


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